(154) Research Activities in Astronomy and Astrophysics in Belgium
- Fremat, Y et al
- published in Belgian Physical Society Magazine, 1-2018, pp. 5-19 (2018)
- SCART-2018-0047
(147) First results from the NASA WB-57 airborne observations of the Great American 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
- Caspi, Amir et al
- Poster presented at American Astronomical Society, SPD meeting #48, Portland, USA on 2017-08-23
- POSTER-2018-0032
(147) Coronal Holes Detection Using Supervised Classification
- Delouille, Veronique et al
- BKSECT-2019-0012
(146) The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey
- Gilmore, G. et al
- published in The Messenger, 147, pp. 25-31 (2012)
- ASTROimport-943
(146) The atmosphere of Mars as observed by InSight
- Banfield, Don et al
- published in Nature Geoscience, 13, pp. 190-198 (2020)
- SCART-2020-0123
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