(176) Solar Orbiter/EUI very wide field observations of the EUV corona
- Auchere, F. et al
- Talk presented at ESPM-16 (virtual conference) on 2021-09-07
- CTALK-2021-0069
(175) Implementing the Multi-VP coronal model in EUHFORIA: results and comparisons with the WSA coronal model
- Samara, Evangelia et al
- Poster presented at ESWS 2020 on 2020-11-02
- POSTER-2021-0021
(171) Constraining the overcontact phase in massive binary evolution. I. Mixing in V382 Cyg, VFTS 352, and OGLE SMC-SC10 108086
- Abdul-Masih, Michael et al
- published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 651 issue A96, pp. 27 (2021)
- SCART-2021-0146
(171) First Images and Initial In-Flight Performance of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager On-Board Solar Orbiter.
- Auchere, Frederic et al
- Poster presented at AGU Fall Meeting 2020, online on 2020-12-14
- POSTER-2021-0022
(170) Space Weather:
The Impact on Security & Defense
- Janssens, Jan et al
- BKSECT-2019-0014
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