(128) Space Weather Introductory Course
- Vanlommel, Petra et al
- Invited talk presented at Space Weather Education Center on 2023-03-27
- CTALK-2024-0139
(119) SolO/EUI Data Release 6.0 2023-01
- Kraaikamp, Emil et al
- DATASET-2024-0018
(117) Investigating coronal loop morphology and dynamics from two vantage points
- Mandal, Sudip et al
- published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 682, pp. id.L9 (2024)
- SCART-2024-0145
(117) Zonnefysica: De zon het voorbije weekend
- Berghmans, David
- Talk presented at Planetarium day for "Vlaamse Fysica Olympiade/Vlaamse Geografie Olympiade" on 2024-05-15
- OUTRTLK-2024-0028
(111) Design of the calibration facility for the characterization of MAJIS/JUICE VIS-NIR detectors
- Cisnero-González, Míriam et al
- Poster presented at International Satellite Program in Research and Education (INSPIRE) workshop - Paris on 2018-08-27
- POSTER-2018-0060