(126) Imaging the solar corona in the EUV
- Delaboudiniere, J.-P. et al
- published in Advances in Space Research, 20, pp. 2231--2237 (1997)
- SIDCimport-100
(124) Fine thermal structure of coronal active regions from Hinode/XRT
- Reale, F. et al
- published in Science, 318, pp. 1582 (2007)
- SIDCimport-291
(124) First Results from EIT
- Clette, F. et al
- published in Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Series, 118, pp. 268 (1997)
- SIDCimport-13
(123) Observing the Unobservable: Identification and Characterization of Stealth Coronal Mass Ejections
- D'Huys, E.
- SIDCimport-1760
(122) Space Weather data and services at SIDC / RWC Belgium
- Van der Linden, R.A.M. et al
- published in Proc. 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 18-15 July 2010, in Bremen, Symposium PSW, paper n° PSW1-0052-10,Poster Nr. Tue-287, pp. 2 (2010)
- SIDCimport-452
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