| Science Article (Ref.) Relevance of active faulting and seismicity studies to assessments of long-term earthquake activity and maximum magnitude in intraplate northwest Europe, between the Lower Rhine Embayment and the North Sea
/ Camelbeeck, Thierry ; Vanneste, Kris ; Alexandre, Pierre ; Verbeeck, Koen ; et al
published in Continental Intraplate Earthquakes: Science, Hazard, and Policy Issues: Geological Society of America, S. Stein and S. Mazzotti (eds.), Special Paper 425, pp. 193-224 (2007)
| Science Article (Ref.) Karst aquifer investigation using absolute gravity
/ Van Camp, Michel ; Meeus R, Philippe ; Quinif, Yves ; Kaufmann, Olivier ; et al
published in EOS, Transactions AGU, 87(n°30), pp. 298 (2006)
| Science Article (Ref.) An experiment to evaluate crustal motions across the Ardenne and the Roer Graben (North-western Europe) using absolute gravity measurements
/ Van Camp, Michel ; Camelbeeck, Thierry ; Francis, Olivier
published in Metrologia, 39, pp. 503-508 (2002)
| Science Article Histoire des stations sismiques belges : de la station « Solvay » au réseau national de surveillance sismique
/ Van Camp, Michel ; Camelbeeck, Thierry
published in Ciel et Terre, 120, pp. 162-176 (2004)
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| Science Article (Ref.) Comment on "Nature of the vertical ground movements inferred from high-precision levelling data in an intra-plate setting: NE Ardenne, Belgium"
/ Camelbeeck, Thierry ; Van Camp, Michel ; Jongmans, Denis ; Francis, Olivier ; et al
published in Journal of Geophysical Research, 107B11 (2002)
| Science Article (Ref.) Hydrogeological investigations at the Membach station, Belgium, and application to correct long periodic gravity variations
/ Van Camp, Michel ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Crommen, Olivier ; Petermans, Toon ; et al
published in Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, pp. B10403 (2006)
| Science Article (Ref.) Use of microtremor measurement for assessing site effects in Northern Belgium - interpretation of the observed intensity during the Ms=5.0 June 11, 1938 earthquake
/ Nguyen, Frédéric ; Teerlynck, Hervé ; Van Rompaey, Gilles ; Van Camp, Michel ; et al
published in Journal of Seismology, 8, pp. 41-56 (2004)
| Outreach Article Les effets en Belgique du tremblement de terre du 22 juillet dans le graben de la Roer
/ Camelbeeck, Thierry ; Van Camp, Michel ; Martin, Henri ; Van De Putte, William ; et al
published in Ciel et Terre, 119, pp. 14-19 (2003)
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| Outreach Article De aardbeving van 22 juli 2002 in de Roerdalslenk
/ Camelbeeck, Thierry ; Van Camp, Michel ; Martin, Henri ; Van De Putte, William ; et al
published in Heelal, 48, pp. 172-176 (2003)
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| Science Article Le kilogramme, la constante de Planck et le soulèvement de l'Ardenne
/ Van Camp, Michel ; Camelbeeck, Thierry ; Richard, Philippe
published in Ciel et Terre, 120, pp. 5-11 (2004)
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