| Conf. Talk Bringing new value to legacy seismic data and spreading the word
/ De Plaen, Raphael ; Batllo, Josep ; et al
Talk presented at ESC2024, Corfu, Greece on 2024-09-24
| Conf. Poster From oceanic waves to seismic wiggles, then and now
/ De Plaen, Raphael ; Lecocq, Thomas ; et al
Poster presented at Geologica Belgica Luxemburga International Meeting 2024, Liège, Belgium on 2024-09-12
Files: PDF; |
| Conf. Talk Implementing innovative sea state monitoring system based on microseism
/ Borzì, A.M. ; Minio, V. ; et al
Talk presented at ICCE2024 Rome, Italy on 2024-09-12
| Conf. Poster Estimating hydrological variations from geophysical insights
/ Saraswati, Anita ; Lecocq, Thomas ; et al
Poster presented at Geologica Belgica Luxemburga International Meeting 2024, Liège, Belgium on 2024-09-12
Files: PDF; |
| Outreach Talk MAPAWAY: Einstein in Tube - What can we measure with a seismometer?
/ Lecocq, T.
Talk presented at MAPAWAY Festival on 2024-08-25
| Outreach Article Les effets d’un tsunami au Groenland détectés en Belgique
/ Lecocq, T. ; Boone, W.
published in Daily Science, 13/09/2024 (2024)
| Conf. Poster L’importance du sismomètre d’Eben-Emael. Het belang van de seismometer van Eben-Emael. The importance of the Eben-Emael seismometer.
/ Van Noten, Koen ; Collin, Fabienne ; et al
Poster presented at Permanent poster in the Seismometer Exhibition room in the Fort Eben-Emael on 2024-06-28
Files: EBN_SEISMO-the_EBN_seismometer - PDF; EBN_SEISMO-the_EBN_seismometer poster - PNG; |
| Seminar De seismometer van Eben-Emael. Le sismomètre d’Eben-Emael.
/ Van Noten, Koen ; Lecocq, Thomas
Seminar presented at Eben-Emael Gidsendag–Journée des guides - Fort Eben-Emael on 2024-02-24
Files: EBN Gidsendag opleiding - JPG; EBN Gidsendag 20240224 - PDF; |
| Outreach RadioTV Eben-Emael : 84 ans plus tard, la casemate Maastricht 2 du fort est enfin ouverte au public
/ Lecocq, T.
Program broadcasted on RTBF on 2024-06-28
| Science Article SeismoStorm Final Report
/ Lecocq, T. ; Debeir, O. ; De Plaen, R. ; Lemenkova, P.
published in BELSPO (2024)