No exact match found for Francis, O.,, using Francis O instead...
Space Pole Publications Server 34 records found  beginprevious25 - 34  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Conf. Talk 
Karst system vadose zone hydrodynamics highlighted by an integrative geophysical and hydrogeological monitoring / Watlet, A. ; Van Camp, M. ; et al
Talk presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco , USA on 2015-12-14 [CTALK-2016-0012]
Conf. Talk 
Hydrogeological and hydrogeophysical monitoring of vadose and saturated zones at the Rochefort Cave Laboratory / Watlet, A. ; Poulain, A. ; et al
Talk presented at 5th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2016, Mons, Belgium on 2016-01-26 [CTALK-2016-0010]
Conf. Talk 
Gravity changes in a karst system highlight its vadose zone hydrodynamics / Watlet, A. ; Poulain, A. ; et al
Talk presented at 5th International Geologica Belgica Meeting, Mons on 2016-11-26 [CTALK-2016-0009]
Conf. Talk 
Multi-scale hydrogeological and hydrogeophysical approach to monitor vadose zone hydrodynamics of a karst system / Watlet, A. ; Poulain, A. ; et al
Talk presented at EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna on 2016-04-20 [CTALK-2016-0006]
Continuous gravimetric monitoring as an integrative tool for exploring hydrological processes in the Lomme Karst System (Belgium) / Van Camp, M. ; Watlet, A. ; et al
Poster presented at AGU Fall meeting 2016, San Francisco on 2016-12-12 [POSTER-2016-0005]
Conf. Poster 
M2 tidal parameter modulation revealed by superconducting gravimeter time series / Meurers, B. ; Van Camp, M. ; et al
Poster presented at EGU 2016, Vienna on 2016-04-20 [POSTER-2016-0003]
Conf. Poster 
Multi-scale hydrogeological and hydrogeophysical approach to monitor vadose zone hydrodynamics of a karst system / Watlet, A. ; Poulain, A. ; et al
Poster presented at EGU Vienna on 2016-04-19 [POSTER-2016-0002]
Conf. Talk 
Gravity changes in a karst system highlight its vadose zone hydrodynamics / Watlet, A. ; Poulain, A. ; et al
Talk presented at International Geologica Belgica 2016 Congress on 2016-01-26 [CTALK-2016-0004]
Conf. Talk 
Hydrogeophysics to monitor the vadose zone of the Rochefort karst system (Belgium) / Watlet, Arnaud ; Van Camp, M. ; et al
Talk presented at Eurokarst 2016, Neuchatel (CH) on 2016-09-05 [CTALK-2016-0003]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Results of the Sixth International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters ICAG-2001 / Vitushkin, L. ; Becker, M. ; Jiang, Z. ; Francis, Olivier ; et al
published in Metrologia, 39, pp. 407-424 (2002) 10.1088/0026-1394/39/5/2 [SISMOimport-206]

Space Pole Publications Server : 34 records found   beginprevious25 - 34  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
4 Francis, O
26 Francis, O.
26 Francis, O.
24 Francis, Olivier
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