| Conf. Talk From PROBA2/SWAP to Solar Orbiter/EUI: Exploring the outer edge of the EUV corona
/ Berghmans, David ; D'Huys, Elke ; et al
Talk presented at AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco (US) on 2019-12-09
Files: KEY.PDF; |
| Press Rel. EUI and Solar Orbiter ready for launch!
/ Pham, Le Binh San ; Vanlommel, Petra ; et al
| Conf. Talk Space-grade 3Kx3K Backside Illuminated CMOS Image Sensor for EUV Observation of the Sun
/ Gissot, S. ; Giordanengo, B. ; et al
Talk presented at Ultra-Violet Detectors and Instruments Workshop - Toulouse, France on 2018-11-28
| Conf. Talk The EUI instrument onboard Solar Orbiter: the EUV corona imaged differently
/ Berghmans, David ; Rochus, Pierre ; et al
Talk presented at 2018 SDO Science Workshop, Ghent (Belgium) on 2018-10-31
Files: KEY.PDF; |
| Conf. Talk Zooming in on the coronal poles with Solar Orbiter
/ Berghmans, David ; Seaton, Dan ; et al
Talk presented at Polar Perspectives Conference on 2018-09-26
Files: PDF; |
| Science Article EUV high resolution imager on-board solar orbiter: optical design and detector performances
/ Halain, J.P. ; Mazzoli, A. ; Rochus, P. ; Renotte, E. ; et al
published in Proceedings of the SPIE, 10564 issue id. 105643V 6 (2017)
Files: PDF; |
| Outreach RadioTV "De Wereld Vandaag: Een ticket naar de zon: NASA trekt op missie naar onze ster"
/ Berghmans, David
Program broadcasted on VRT, Radio 1 on 2017-05-31
| Outreach RadioTV En Direct: "Sciences : la NASA enverra une sonde pour observer le soleil au plus près"
/ Zhukov, Andrei ; Rochus, Pierre
Program broadcasted on RTBF on 2017-05-31
| Seminar Virtual machines and data processing in the Solar Orbiter EUI Data Centre
/ Kraaikamp, Emil
Seminar presented at ROB on 2016-06-17
| Science Article The qualification campaign of the EUI instrument of Solar Orbiter
/ Halain, Jean-Philippe ; Rochus, Pierre ; Renotte, E. ; Hermans, A. ; et al
published in Proc. SPIE, 9905 issue Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 99052X (July 18, 2016) (2016)