| Conf. Poster Investigating the evolution and interactions of the September 2017 CME events with EUHFORIA
/ Scolini, C. ; Rodriguez, L. ; et al
Poster presented at SHINE Workshop 2019, Boulder, CO, USA on 2019-08-05
| Conf. Talk (Inv.) Observation-based modelling of magnetised CMEs in the inner heliosphere with EUHFORIA
/ Scolini, C. ; Pomoell, J. ; et al
Invited talk presented at EGU 2020, Vienna, Austria on 2020-05-04
| Science Article (Ref.) Using radio trangulation help us understand the origin of two subsequent type II radio bursts
/ Jebaraj, I. C. ; Magdalenic, J. ; Podladchikova, T. ; Scolini, C. ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics (2019)
| Origin of the two co-temporal shock waves observed on September 27, 2012
/ Jebaraj, Immanuel Christopher ; Magdalenic, Jasmina ; et al
Seminar presented at Royal Observatory of Belgium on 2019-03-22
| Seminar On complex shock wave propagation and tracking them through IP space
/ Jebaraj, Immanuel Christopher ; Magdalenic, Jasmina ; et al
Seminar presented at KU Leuven on 2019-08-29
| A new approach to interpret interplanetary radio observations for forecasting shock arrival at Earth
/ Jebaraj, Immanuel ; Magdalenic, Jasmina ; et al
Poster presented at ESWW 16, Liege on 2019-11-18
| Conf. Talk Complex shock wave signatures associated with CME on September 27/28, 2012
/ Jebaraj, Immanuel Christopher ; Magdalenic, Jasmina ; et al
Talk presented at CESRA 2019, Potsdam on 2019-07-08
| Science Article (Ref.) CME-CME Interactions as Sources of CME Geo-effectiveness: The Formation of the Complex Ejecta and Intense Geomagnetic Storm in Early September 2017
/ Scolini, C. ; Chané, E. ; Temmer, M. ; Kilpua, E. ; et al
published in ApJS, 247, pp. 21 (2020)
| Conf. Talk Development of adaptive Kalman filter for short-term forecasts of the F30 and F10.7 cm radio flux
/ Podladchikova, T ; Podladchikova, O ; et al
Talk presented at 16th European Space Weather Week, Liege, Belgium on 2019-11-22
| Conf. Poster Multiple EUV wave reflection from a coronal hole
/ Podladchikova, T ; Veronig, A ; et al
Poster presented at 16th European Space Weather Week, Liege, Belgium on 2019-11-18
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