| Conf. Talk The detection of ultra-relativistic electrons in low Earth orbit by the LYRA instrument on board the PROBA2 satellite
/ Katsiyannis, Athanassios C. ; Dominique, Marie ; et al
Talk presented at European Space Weather Week 15, Leuven on 2018-11-09
| Conf. Talk The detection of ultra-relativistic electrons in low Earth orbit by the LYRA instrument on board the PROBA2 satellite
/ Katsiyannis, Athanassios ; Dominique, Marie
Talk presented at 2018 INSPIRE and Small Sat Workshop, Paris, France on 2018-08-28
Files: PPTX; |
| Outreach Talk SWAP and LYRA onboard PROBA2
/ D'Huys, Elke ; Dominique, Marie
Talk presented at Celebration 50 years ESA Redu station on 2018-07-03
| Tracking of predominant periodicities evolution for PROBA2/LYRA and other long-term solar time series
/ Wauters, Laurence ; Dominique, Marie ; et al
Talk presented at INSPIRE workshop, Paris on 2018-08-28
| Dataset SWAP Carrington Rotation Files
/ West, Matthew ; Stegen, Koen ; et al
| Dataset SWAP Carrington Rotation Files
/ West, Matthew ; Stegen, Koen ; et al
| Dataset SWAP Carrington Rotation Files
/ West, Matthew ; Stegen, Koen ; et al
| Dataset SWAP Carrington Rotation Files
/ West, Matthew ; Stegen, Koen ; et al
| Dataset SWAP Carrington Rotation Files
/ West, Matthew ; Stegen, Koen ; et al
| Dataset SWAP Carrington Rotation Files
/ West, Matthew ; Stegen, Koen ; et al