Space Pole Publications Server 5 records found  Search took 0.03 seconds. 
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
The obliquity of Mercury: Models and interpretation (Invited) / Baland, R.-M.
Invited talk presented at Complex Planetary Systems II Kavli-IAU Symposium 382, Namur, Belgium on 2023-07-06 [CTALK-2024-0006]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Mercury's Interior Structure constrained by Density and P-wave Velocity Measurements of Liquid Fe-Si-C Alloys / Knibbe, Jurrien ; Rivoldini, Attilio ; Luginbuhl, Stefanie ; Namur, Olivier ; et al
published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126 issue 1 10.1029/2020JE006651 [SCART-2020-0181]
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Science Article (Ref.) 
Mercury's Crustal Thickness Correlates With Lateral Variations in Mantle Melt Production / Beuthe, Mikael ; Charlier, Bernard ; Namur, Olivier ; Rivoldini, Attilio ; et al
published in Geophysical Research Letters, 47 issue e2020GL087261, pp. 1-9 (2020) 10.1029/2020GL087261 [SCART-2020-0132]
Conf. Talk 
The interior structure of Mercury constrained by geodesy data and new experimental data about iron-rich alloys. / Rivoldini, Attilio ; Van Hoolst, Tim ; et al
Talk presented at GGWG 2019 ESTEC on 2019-10-14 [CTALK-2020-0075]
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Conf. Talk 
The interior structure of Mercury constrained by geodesy data / Rivoldini, Attilio
Talk presented at COMEIN Bruxelles on 2020-09-12 [CTALK-2020-0074]
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