Space Pole Publications Server 18 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Science Article (Ref.) 
Solar flares in the Solar Orbiter era: Short-exposure EUI/FSI observations of STIX flares / Collier, Hannah ; Hayes, Laura A. ; Purkhart, Stefan ; Krucker, Säm ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 692 issue id.A176 (2024) 10.1051/0004-6361/202451838 [SCART-2025-0001]
Science Article (Ref.) 
A Community Data Set for Comparing Automated Coronal Hole Detection Schemes / Reiss, Martin A. ; Muglach, Karin ; Mason, Emily ; Davies, Emma E. ; et al
published in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 271 issue 1 (2024) 10.3847/1538-4365/ad1408 [SCART-2024-0097]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Hemispheric sunspot numbers 1874-2020 / Veronig, Astrid M. ; Jain, Shantanu ; Podladchikova, Tatiana ; Pötzi, Werner ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 652, pp. id.A56, 12 pp. (2021) 10.1051/0004-6361/202141195 [SCART-2023-0004]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Maximal growth rate of the ascending phase of a sunspot cycle for predicting its amplitude / Podladchikova, Tatiana ; Jain, Shantanu ; Veronig, Astrid M. ; Sutyrina, Olga ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 663, pp. id. A88, 11 pp. (2022) 10.1051/0004-6361/202243509 [SCART-2023-0003]
Conf. Poster 
Prediction of solar cycle amplitude with the maximal growth rate in ascending phase / Jain, Shantanu ; Podladchikova, Tatiana ; et al
Poster presented at 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July, 2022., Athens. on 2022-07-16 [POSTER-2023-0001]
Science Article (Ref.) 
On the Dependency between the Peak Velocity of High-speed Solar Wind Streams near Earth and the Area of Their Solar Source Coronal Holes / Hofmeister, Stefan J. ; Veronig, Astrid M. ; Poedts, Stefaan ; Samara, Evangelia ; et al
published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters (2020) 10.3847/2041-8213/ab9d19 [SCART-2021-0055]
Science Article (Ref.) 
The Observational Uncertainty of Coronal Hole Boundaries in Automated Detection Schemes / Reiss, Martin A. ; Muglach, Karin ; Moestl, Christian ; Arge, Charles N. ; et al
published in The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), 913 issue 1, pp. 28 10.3847/1538-4357/abf2c8 [SCART-2021-0035]
Origin of the two co-temporal shock waves observed on September 27, 2012 / Jebaraj, Immanuel Christopher ; Magdalenic, Jasmina ; et al
Seminar presented at Royal Observatory of Belgium on 2019-03-22 [SEMIN-2020-0004]
On complex shock wave propagation and tracking them through IP space / Jebaraj, Immanuel Christopher ; Magdalenic, Jasmina ; et al
Seminar presented at KU Leuven on 2019-08-29 [SEMIN-2020-0003]
A new approach to interpret interplanetary radio observations for forecasting shock arrival at Earth / Jebaraj, Immanuel ; Magdalenic, Jasmina ; et al
Poster presented at ESWW 16, Liege on 2019-11-18 [POSTER-2020-0012]

Space Pole Publications Server : 18 records found   1 - 10next  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
4 Veronig, A
17 Veronig, A.
1 Veronig, A. M
30 Veronig, A. M.
2 Veronig, A.M.
14 Veronig, Astrid
5 Veronig, Astrid M.
5 Veronig, Astrid M.
1 Veronig, Astrid;
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