Ref: SCART-2023-0003

Maximal growth rate of the ascending phase of a sunspot cycle for predicting its amplitude

Podladchikova, Tatiana ; Jain, Shantanu ; Veronig, Astrid M. ; Sutyrina, Olga ; Dumbović, Mateja ; Clette, Frédéric ; Pötzi, Werner

published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 663, pp. id. A88, 11 pp. (2022)

DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243509
Links: link; link2

The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Solar Physics & Space Weather (SIDC)
Science Articles > Peer Reviewed Articles
Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence

 Record created 2023-01-06, last modified 2023-01-06