| Conf. Talk Étude multidisciplinaire des stalagmites cierges dans la grotte de Han-sur-Lesse pour étudier les séismes dans le passé
/ Martin, Aurélie ; Lecocq, Thomas ; et al
Talk presented at 25es Journées de Spéléologie Scientifique - JSS, Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium on 2022-11-19
| Conf. Talk Candlestick stalagmites, a tool to better understand the influence of past earthquakes on natural caves
/ Martin, Aurélie ; Lecocq, Thomas ; et al
Talk presented at 18th International Congress of Speleology - Savoie Mont Blanc 2022, Bourget du Lac (France) on 2022-07-26
| Conf. Talk Measuring the eigenfrequencies of candlestick stalagmites with a custom 3D-printed sensor modified from a Raspberry Shake 3D
/ Martin, Aurélie ; Lecocq, Thomas ; et al
Talk presented at EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna , Austria on 2022-05-26
| Conf. Talk Studying the eigenfrequencies of candlestick stalagmites in the Han-sur-Lesse cave
/ Martin, Aurélie ; Lecocq, Thomas ; et al
Talk presented at Belqua workshop, Royal Academies of Science and the Arts of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium on 2022-03-29
| Study of the eigenfrequencies of stalagmites to better understand paleoseismicity
/ Martin, Aurélie ; Lecocq, Thomas ; et al
Poster presented at th International Geologica Belgica Meeting, Tervuren, Belgium on 2021-09-17
| Conf. Talk Candlestick stalagmite’s eigenfrequency characterisation with ambient seismic noise and 3D scan, a step to support seismic hazard assessment
/ Martin, Aurélie ; Lecocq, Thomas ; et al
Talk presented at EGU General Assembly 2021, online on 2021-04-30
| Science Article (Ref.) Characterizing Stalagmites’ Eigenfrequencies by Combining In Situ Vibration Measurements and Finite Element Modeling Based on 3D Scans
/ Martin, Aurélie ; Lecocq, Thomas ; Hinzen, Klaus-G. ; Camelbeeck, Thierry ; et al
published in Geosciences , 10 issue 10 (2020)
Files: PNG; |
| Assessment of groundwater recharge processes through karst vadose zone by cave percolation monitoring
/ Poulain, Amaël ; Watlet, Arnaud ; Kaufmann, Olivier ; Van Camp, Michel ; et al
published in Hydrological Processes (2018)
| Science Article (Ref.) Imaging groundwater infiltration dynamics in the karst vadose zone with long-term ERT monitoring
/ Watlet, Arnaud ; Kaufmann, Olivier ; Triantafyllou, Antoine ; Poulain, Amaël ; et al
published in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22, pp. 1563-1592 (2018)
| Science Article (Ref.) Earthquakes as collapse precursors at the Han-sur-Lesse cave in the Belgian Ardennes
/ Camelbeeck, Thierry ; Quinif, Yves ; Verheyden, Sophie ; Vanneste, Kris ; et al
published in Geomorphology, 308, pp. 13-24 (2018)