| Conf. Poster MARVEL - an array of four telescopes feeding a stabilised spectrograph for high-precision radial velocities of stars
/ Tkachenko, Andrew ; Vandenbussche, Bart ; et al
Poster presented at EAS2024/, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, Padova, Italy on 2024-07-01
| Conf. Talk The impact of question formulation on student estimations of astronomical scales.
/ Keppens, Willem ; De Cock, Mieke ; et al
Talk presented at 6th Shaw-IAU Workshop on Astronomy for Education, online on 2024-11-12
| Conf. Poster Probing students’ estimates of astronomical sizes and distances.
/ Keppens, Willem ; De Cock, Mieke ; et al
Poster presented at GIREP 2024 on 2024-08-26
| Science Article (Ref.) An update of SB9 orbits using HERMES/Mercator radial velocities
/ Merle, Thibault ; Pourbaix, Dimitri ; Jorissen, Alain ; Siopis, Christos ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 684 issue id.A74 (2024)
| Science Article (Ref.) MELCHIORS: The Mercator Library of High Resolution Stellar Spectroscopy
/ Royer, P. ; Merle, T. ; Dsilva, K. ; Sekaran, S. ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 681 issue A107, pp. 1--17 (2024)
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| Science Article (Ref.) TITANS metal-poor reference stars. II. Red giants and CEMP stars
/ Giribaldi, R. E. ; Van Eck, S. ; Merle, T. ; Jorissen, A. ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 679 (2023)
| Science Article (Ref.) The messy death of a multiple star system and the resulting planetary nebula as observed by JWST
/ De Marco, Orsola; ; Akashi, Muhammad; ; Akras, Stavros; ; Alcolea, Javier; ; et al
published in Nature Astronomy, 6 issue dec, pp. 1423-1432 (2022)
| Science Article (Ref.) On the signature of a 70-solar-mass black hole in LB-1
/ Abdul-Masih, M. ; Banyard, G. ; Bodensteiner, J. ; Bordier, E. ; et al
published in Nature, 580 issue 7805, pp. p.E11-E15 (2020)
| Science Article STARLAB Evolved stars and their shells: Laboratories for stellar physics. Final Report.
/ JORISSEN, Alain ; WAELKENS, Christoffel ; GROENEWEGEN, Martin ; DECIN, Leen ; et al
published in BELSPO (2020)
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| Variability in Post-AGB Stars: Pulsation in Proto-Planetary Nebulae
/ Hrivnak, Bruce; ; Henson, Gary; ; et al
Poster presented at 2019IAUS,343,423 on 2019-12-01