| Conf. Talk Planetary inertial modes and their relation to nutations.
/ Rekier, Jeremy ; Triana, Santiago Andres ; et al
Talk presented at American Geophysical Union on 2020-12-07
| Science Article (Ref.) Inertial modes of a freely rotating ellipsoidal planet and their relation to nutations.
/ Rekier, Jeremy ; Triana, Santiago Andres ; Trinh, Antony ; Dehant, Veronique
published in The Planetary Science Journal, 1 issue 20, pp. 1-11 (2020)
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| Science Article (Ref.) Enceladus's internal ocean and ice shell constrained from Cassini gravity.
/ Čadek, O. ; Tobie, G. ; Van Hoolst, T. ; Massé, M. ; et al
published in Geophysical Research Letters, 43 issue 11, pp. 5653-5660 (2016)
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| Science Article Refinements on precession, nutation, and wobble of the Earth.
/ Dehant, V. ; Folgueira, M. ; Puica, M. ; Van Hoolst, T. ; et al
published in Proc. Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels 2014, on ‘Recent developments and prospects in ground-based and space astrometry’, Pulkovo observatory, Russia, JSR2014, pp. 151-154 (2015)
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| Science Article (Ref.) PLANET TOPERS: Planets, Tracing the Transfer, Origin, Preservation, and Evolution of their ReservoirS
/ Dehant, V. ; Asael, D. ; Baland, R.M. ; Baludikay, B.K. ; et al
published in Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 46 issue 4, pp. 1-16 (2016)
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| Conf. Talk A comparison between physical and classical prescriptions of isostasy
/ Trinh, Antony ; Beuthe, Mikael ; et al
Talk presented at European Planetary Science Congress - DPS Joint Meeting 2019, Genève, Suisse on 2019-09-17
| Conf. Talk A new spin on librational dynamics and an appraisal of tidal-librational dissipation in Enceladus
/ Trinh, Antony ; Matsuyama, Isamu ; et al
Talk presented at AGU, San Francisco, USA on 2019-12-13 on 2019-12-13
| Conf. Poster The rotation of Io
/ Van Hoolst, Tim ; Baland, Rose-Marie ; et al
Poster presented at EPSC 2019, Geneva, Switzerland, 15-20 September 2019 on 2019-09-17
| Science Article (Ref.) Internal energy dissipation in Enceladus’s ocean from tides and libration and the role of inertial waves.
/ Rekier, J. ; Trinh, A. ; Triana, S.A. ; Dehant, V.
published in J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 124, pp. 2198-2212 (2019)
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| Science Article (Ref.) The coupling between inertial and rotational eigenmodes in 2 planets with liquid cores.
/ Triana, Santiago Andres ; Rekier, Jeremy ; Trinh, Antony ; Dehant, Veronique
published in Geophys. J. Int., 2019 issue 2, pp. 1071-1086 (2019)
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