Space Pole Publications Server 3 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Science Article (Ref.) 
Variability in Proto-planetary Nebulae. V. Velocity and Light Curve Analysis of IRAS 17436+5003, 18095+2704, and 19475+3119 / Hrivnak, B. J. ; Van de Steene, G.C. ; Van Winckel, H. ; Lu, W. ; et al
published in Astronomical Journal, 156 issue 6, pp. 300-320 (2018) 10.3847/1538-3881/aaee69 [SCART-2019-0069]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Spectroscopic and Photometric Variability of Three Oxygen Rich Post-AGB “Shell” Objects / Van de Steene, G. C. ; Hrivnak, B. J. ; Van Winckel, H. ; Sperauskas, J. ; et al
published in Galaxies, 6 issue 4, pp. 131-135 (2018) 10.3390/galaxies6040131 [SCART-2019-0068]
Files: PDF;
Science Article 
A Radial Velocity and Light Curve Study of Pulsations and Binarity in Proto-Planetary Nebulae / Hrivnak, B. J. ; Lu, W. ; Van de Steene, G. ; Van Winckel, H. ; et al
published in EAS Publications Series, 71, pp. 127-128 (2015) 10.1051/eas/1571026 [ASTROimport-851]

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