| Science Article ET White Paper: To Find the First Earth 2.0
/ Ge, J. ; Zhang, H. ; Zang, W.C. ; Deng, H.P. ; et al
published in arXiv, 2206.06693, pp. 1--116 (2022)
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| Gaia spectroscopic view of asteroid collisional families: preliminary results
/ Delbo, Marco ; Galluccio, Laurent ; De Angeli, Francesca ; Pauwels, Thierry ; et al
published in 16th Europlanet Science Congress 2022, held 18-23 September 2022 at Palacio de Congresos de Granada, Spain (2022)
| Gaia DR3 documentation
/ van Leeuwen, F. ; de Bruijne, J. ; Babusiaux, C. ; Busso, G. ; et al
published in Gaia DR3 documentation, European Space Agency; Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium. (2022)
| Gaia DR3 documentation Chapter 11: Astrophysical parameters
/ Ulla, A. ; Creevey, O. L. ; Álvarez, M. A. ; Andrae, R. ; et al
published in Gaia DR3 documentation, European Space Agency; Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium. (2022)
| Gaia DR3 documentation Chapter 8: Solar System Objects
/ Muinonen, K. ; Berthier, J. ; Cellino, A. ; David, P. ; et al
published in Gaia DR3 documentation, European Space Agency; Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium. (2022)
| Science Article Gaia DR3 documentation Chapter 6: Spectroscopy
/ Sartoretti, P. ; Blomme, R. ; David, M. ; Seabroke, G.
published in Gaia DR3 documentation, European Space Agency; Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium. (2022)
| Gaia DR3 documentation Chapter 20: Datamodel description
/ Hambly, N. ; Andrae, R. ; De Angeli, F. ; Antonio, M. ; et al
published in Gaia DR3 documentation, European Space Agency; Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium. (2022)
| Challenges for European Science and Technology Driven Innovation in Europe
/ Gelenbe, E. ; Brasseur, G. ; Chefneux, L. ; Dehant, V. ; et al
published in Report to Euro-CASE, 2022 (2022)
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| Guest Editorial: International Space Science Institute (ISSI) Workshop on Probing Earth's Deep Interior Using Space Observations Synergistically.
/ Dehant, V. ; Mandea, M. ; Cazenave, A.
published in Survey Geophysics, 43 issue 1, pp. 1-3 (2022)
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| Science Article Effects of Asteroid and Comet Impacts on the Atmospheric Evolution of Earth, Mars and Venus
/ Pham, L. B. S. ; Karatekin, O. ; Dehant, V.
published in Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres , 40 issue 6, pp. 569 (2010)