Non-refereed Articles

Non-refereed Articles 1,199 records found  beginprevious1120 - 1129nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Science Article 
SOHO EIT Carrington Maps from synoptic full-disk data / Thompson, B. ; Newmark, J.S. ; Gurman, J.B. ; Delaboudiniere, J.-P. ; et al
published in ESA SP Series, 404, pp. 779--783 (1997) [SIDCimport-192]
Science Article 
A new start for the SIDC / Berghmans, D. ; Clette, F. ; Cugnon, P. ; Gabryl, J.R. ; et al
published in OSTC Publ. (2000) [SIDCimport-191]
Files: DOC;
Science Article 
Calibration and flight of the NRL EIT Calroc / Newmark, J.S. ; Delaboudiniere, J.-P. ; Song, X.Y. ; Carabetian, C. ; et al
published in Proceedings of SPIE, 4139, pp. 328--339 (2000) [SIDCimport-189]
Science Article 
The TECOnet project one year after totality / Clette, F. ; Gabryl, J.R.
published in ESA SP Series, 463, pp. 581 (2000) [SIDCimport-188]
Science Article 
Premiers résultats polarimétriques de l'observation de la couronne du 11 août 1999 / Gabryl, J.R. ; Clette, F. ; Cugnon, P.
published in proceeding (2000) [SIDCimport-187]
Science Article 
Comparison of modelling large-scale electron densities using polarized white-light eclipse observations in 1999 and 1998 / Gabryl, J.R. ; Clette, F. ; Cugnon, P.
published in proceeding (2000) [SIDCimport-186]
Science Article 
Non-linear kink instabilities in line-tied coronal loops / Gerrard, C. ; Arber, T.D. ; Hood, A.W. ; Van der Linden, R.A.M.
published in AIP Conf. Series, 537 (2000) [SIDCimport-185]
Science Article 
In-flight characterization and compensation of the optical properties of the EIT instrument / Defise, J.-M. ; Clette, F. ; Auchere, F.
published in Proceedings of SPIE, 3765, pp. 341-350 (1999) [SIDCimport-184]
Science Article 
The solar corona: white light polarization and modelling of the large-scale electron density distribution / Cugnon, P. ; Gabryl, J.R.
published in Nato Sci. Series, pp. 49-66 (2000) [SIDCimport-183]
Science Article 
Two dimensional stability studies of helicity injected spheromaks and spherical tokamaks / Brennan, D.P. ; Van der Linden, R.A.M. ; Browning, P.K.
published in Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 45 (2000) [SIDCimport-182]

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