Invited Talks

Invited Talks 298 records found  beginprevious51 - 60nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Challenges for European Science and Technology Driven Innovation in Europe. / Gelenbe, E. ; Brasseur, G. ; et al
Invited talk presented at Euro-Case Paris France on 2022-07-22 [CTALK-2024-0089]
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Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Exoplanet Interiors and Evolution / Hakim, Kaustubh
Invited talk presented at (Exo)Planet Diversity, Formation, and Evolution, PFE-SPP 1992 Joint Meeting, Berlin, Germany on 2022-09-12 [CTALK-2024-0084]
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Carbon and Sulfur in Exoplanetary Interiors / Hakim, Kaustubh
Invited talk presented at 10th Joint Workshop on High Pressure, Planetary and Plasma Physics (HP4), Brussels, Belgium on 2022-09-30 [CTALK-2024-0083]
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Chemistry of Rocky Worlds and Sub-Neptunes / Hakim, Kaustubh
Invited talk presented at ATOMIUM Meeting, Leuven, Belgium on 2023-10-24 [CTALK-2024-0082]
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Interior-Atmosphere Interactions of Sub-Neptunes / Hakim, Kaustubh
Invited talk presented at BINA/BIPASS Meeting, Brussels, Belgium on 2023-10-10 [CTALK-2024-0081]
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Why PEPSci is a fertile ground for exotic ideas / Hakim, Kaustubh
Invited talk presented at NWO PEPSci Annual Meeting, Amersfoort, Netherlands on 2023-10-06 [CTALK-2024-0080]
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Astronomical Windows into Planetary Interiors and Evolution / Hakim, Kaustubh
Invited talk presented at Strange New Worlds Exoplanet Conference, IISER Pune, India on 2023-08-18 [CTALK-2024-0079]
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Understanding A- and F-type main sequence stars / Trust, Otto ; Jurua, Edward ; et al
Invited talk presented at 1-day BINA Meeting "Evaluation and future prospects of the Indo-Belgian collaboration", Brussels, Belgium on 2023-10-10 [CTALK-2024-0077]
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Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Time-resolved spectroscopy of SZ Lyn using Belgo-Indian facilities / Adassuriya, Janaka ; De Cat, Peter ; et al
Invited talk presented at 1-day BINA Meeting "Evaluation and future prospects of the Indo-Belgian collaboration", Brussels, Belgium on 2023-10-10 [CTALK-2024-0076]
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Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Photometric and spectroscopic studies of eclipsing binary candidates / Panchal, Alaxender ; Joshi, Yogesh Chandra ; et al
Invited talk presented at 1-day BINA Meeting "Evaluation and future prospects of the Indo-Belgian collaboration", Brussels, Belgium on 2023-10-10 [CTALK-2024-0075]
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