(32) Investigating coronal loop morphology and dynamics from two vantage points
- Mandal, Sudip et al
- published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 682, pp. id.L9 (2024)
- SCART-2024-0145
(31) Coronal voids and their magnetic nature
- Noelke, J. D. et al
- published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 678, pp. A196
- SCART-2023-0155
(31) SunPy: A Python package for Solar Physics
- Mumford, S J et al
- published in Journal of Open Source Software, 5 issue 46, pp. 1832-1836 (2020)
- SCART-2020-0109
(30) Observability Function of the BRAMS forward scatter network
- Lamy, H. et al
- Poster presented at Europlanet Science Congress, Granada, Spain on 2022-09-18
- POSTER-2023-0044
(30) Understanding our capabilities in observing and modelling Coronal Mass Ejections
- Christine, Verbeke et al
- Invited talk presented at EGU general assembly, Vienna on 2023-04-26
- CTALK-2023-0111
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