Ref: SCART-2025-0016

The Earth Climate Observatory space mission concept for the monitoring of the Earth Energy Imbalance

Dewitte, Steven ; Mauritsen, Thorsten ; Meyssignac, Benoit ; August, Thomas ; Schifano, Luca ; Smeesters, Lien ; Roca, Rémy ; Brindley, Helen ; Russell, Jacqueline ; Clerbaux, Nicolas ; Hollmann, Rainer ; Megner, Linda ; Haberreiter, Margit ; Gumbel, Joerg ; Marotzke, Jochem ; Riedi, Jérôme ; Riihelä, Aku ; Trent, Tim ; Wendisch, Manfred

submitted to IOP conference sereis, Proceedings International Radiation Symposium 2024 (2024)

Abstract: We present the Earth Climate Observatory space mission concept - currently stud- ied in Phase 0 as a European Space Agency Earth Explorer 12 candidate - for the measurement of the Earth Energy Imbalance and the Earth Radiation Budget. Key innovations are 1) the differential Sun-Earth observation with identically constructed wide field of view radiometers, 2) an adequate sampling of the seasonal diurnal cycle with a constellation of polar precess- ing orbits, 3) complementary full angular coverage at high spatial resolution using wide field of view multispectral cameras.

Keyword(s): Earth Energy Imabalance ; Earth radiation Budget

The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Solar Physics & Space Weather (SIDC)
Science Articles > Peer Reviewed Articles

 Record created 2025-01-06, last modified 2025-01-06