      author        = "Dewitte, Steven and Mauritsen, Thorsten and Meyssignac,
                       Benoit and August, Thomas and Schifano, Luca and Smeesters,
                       Lien and Roca, Rémy and Brindley, Helen and Russell,
                       Jacqueline and Clerbaux, Nicolas and Hollmann, Rainer and
                       Megner, Linda and Haberreiter, Margit and Gumbel, Joerg and
                       Marotzke, Jochem and Riedi, Jérôme and Riihelä, Aku and
                       Trent, Tim and Wendisch, Manfred",
      title         = "{The Earth Climate Observatory space mission concept for
                       the monitoring of the Earth Energy Imbalance}",
      year          = "2024",