(32) On the Dependency between the Peak Velocity of High-speed Solar Wind Streams near Earth and the Area of Their Solar Source Coronal Holes
- Hofmeister, Stefan J. et al
- published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters (2020)
- SCART-2021-0055
(32) Study of combined radio and optical observations of meteors with the BRAMS and CAMS-BeNeLux networks
- Lamy, H. et al
- Poster presented at EGU 2019, Vienna, Austria on 2019-04-08
- POSTER-2020-0064
(32) Improved physical properties of the quadruple sub-system with the eclipsing binary QZ Carinae
- Mayer, P. et al
- published in Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso, 50 issue 2, pp. 580-584 (2020)
- SCART-2021-0031
(31) Candlestick stalagmite’s eigenfrequency characterisation with ambient seismic noise and 3D scan, a step to support seismic hazard assessment
- Martin, Aurélie et al
- Talk presented at EGU General Assembly 2021, online on 2021-04-30
- CTALK-2021-0093
(31) Gaia Data Release 3: External calibration of BP/RP low-resolution spectroscopic data
- Montegriffo, P. et al
- published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 674, pp. A3 (33p)
- SCART-2023-0040
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