(69) On the Dependency between the Peak Velocity of High-speed Solar Wind Streams near Earth and the Area of Their Solar Source Coronal Holes
- Hofmeister, Stefan J. et al
- published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters (2020)
- SCART-2021-0055
(67) Surface-rupturing history of the Bree fault scarp, Roer Valley graben: Evidence for six events since the late Pleistocene
- Vanneste, Kris et al
- published in Journal of Seismology, 5, pp. 329-359 (2001)
- SISMOimport-9
(64) Coupling the Multi-VP model with EUHFORIA
- Samara, Evangelia et al
- Talk presented at EGU, Vienna, Austria on 2020-05-04
- CTALK-2021-0044
(64) First results from the NASA WB-57 airborne observations of the Great American 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
- Caspi, Amir et al
- Poster presented at American Astronomical Society, SPD meeting #48, Portland, USA on 2017-08-23
- POSTER-2018-0032
(63) The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey
- Gilmore, G. et al
- published in The Messenger, 147, pp. 25-31 (2012)
- ASTROimport-943
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