(91) Observations of Solar EUV Radiation with the CORONAS-F/SPIRIT and SOHO/EIT Instruments
- Slemzin, V.A. et al
- published in Solar System Research, 39, pp. 489-500 (2005)
- SIDCimport-135
(91) A decade of paleoseismic research in the Roer Valley graben
- Vanneste, Kris et al
- published in Seismic risk - Earthquakes in North-Western Europe, éditions de l'Université de Liège. Scientific editors: Thierry Camelbeeck, Hervé Degée, Geert Degrande and Alain Sabbe, pp. 57-64 (2008)
- SISMOimport-260
(91) Enceladus as a potential oasis for life: Science goals and investigations for future explorations
- Choblet, G. et al
- published in White paper submitted to ESA’s Voyage 2050 call (2019)
- SCART-2020-0122
(91) Computer Vision for SDO: First Results from the SDO Feature Finding Algorithms
- Martens, P.C.H. et al
- Talk presented at 2010 SPD Meeting, Miami, Florida on 2010-xx-xx
- SIDCimport-1158
(91) USET Sunspot group data, ROB SPoCA-CH data
- Delouille, Veronique et al
- Talk presented at VESPA Implementation workshop, online on 2021-11-29
- CTALK-2022-0036
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