(127) SolO/EUI Data Release 2.0
- Kraaikamp, Emil et al
- DATASET-2021-0040
(125) On the Dependency between the Peak Velocity of High-speed Solar Wind Streams near Earth and the Area of Their Solar Source Coronal Holes
- Hofmeister, Stefan J. et al
- published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters (2020)
- SCART-2021-0055
(123) Annuaire de l'Observatoire royal de Belgique -- Jaarboek van de Koninklijke Sterrenwacht van België 2021
- Pauwels, Thierry et al
- BOOK-2021-0001
(122) Coupling the Multi-VP model with EUHFORIA
- Samara, Evangelia et al
- Talk presented at EGU, Vienna, Austria on 2020-05-04
- CTALK-2021-0044
(121) A decade of paleoseismic research in the Roer Valley graben
- Vanneste, Kris et al
- published in Seismic risk - Earthquakes in North-Western Europe, éditions de l'Université de Liège. Scientific editors: Thierry Camelbeeck, Hervé Degée, Geert Degrande and Alain Sabbe, pp. 57-64 (2008)
- SISMOimport-260
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