(142) Modeling CMEs with EUHFORIA using different coronal models: evaluation of results with old and new metrics
- Samara, E. et al
- Poster presented at 17th European Space Weather, Glasgow, Scotland on 2021-10-25
- POSTER-2022-0010
(135) Impact of the November 04th 2015 solar radio burst on air traffic operations
- Marqué, Christophe et al
- Poster presented at European Space Weather Week 14, Ostend on 2017-11-29
- POSTER-2017-0040
(131) Following the evolution of coronal mass ejections across the heliosphere
- Palmerio, E. et al
- Talk presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, US on 2019-12-12
- CTALK-2020-0085
(131) Observations and Orbits of Comets
- Bacci, P. et al
- published in Minor Planet Electronic Circ. issue 2019-V116 (2019)
- SCART-2020-0003
(130) A new empirical model for Mars Ionosphere to correct radio signal experiments.
- Bergeot, N. et al
- published in Proc. EPSC 2019, Geneva, Switzerland, 15-20 September 2019, pp. EPSC2019-642 (2019)
- SCART-2019-0237
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