(211) The EUI instrument onboard Solar Orbiter: the EUV corona imaged differently
- Berghmans, David et al
- Talk presented at 2018 SDO Science Workshop, Ghent (Belgium) on 2018-10-31
- CTALK-2018-0095
(210) The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey
- Gilmore, G. et al
- published in The Messenger, 147, pp. 25-31 (2012)
- ASTROimport-943
(207) Macroseismic intensity assessment of the 2008-2010 Walloon Brabant seismic swarm by a grid cell procedure
- Consentino, Bruno Cirilo
- THESIS-2016-0003
(205) Joint observations of the X9.3 and X8.2 flares on 2017 September 6 and 10 by PROBA2/LYRA, SDO/EVE, and MAVEN/EUVM
- Dominique, M. et al
- Talk presented at 2018 SDO Science Workshop on 2018-10-30
- CTALK-2019-0106
(205) 3-D digital outcrop model for analysis of brittle deformation and lithological mapping (Lorette cave, Belgium)
- Triantafyllou, A. et al
- published in Journal of Structural Geology, 120, pp. 55-66 (2019)
- SCART-2019-0137
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