(148) Ephemerides Astronomiques pour 1998
- Cugnon, P. et al
- published in Ciel Terre, 112 (1997)
- SIDCimport-1
(145) Applicability of continuous H/V spectral ratio analysis for volcano monitoring
- Meyer, Lauriane
- THESIS-2016-0002
(143) Thickness estimation of sediments overlying the Brabant Massif by H/V spectral ratio analysis in central Belgium
- Molron, J.
- THESIS-2016-0001
(143) The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey
- Gilmore, G. et al
- published in The Messenger, 147, pp. 25-31 (2012)
- ASTROimport-943
(143) Mapping the 3D position of solar coronal shock waves using radio triangulation
- Magdalenic, J. et al
- Seminar presented at Meeting with Met office representatives, October 2, 2015, ROB, Belgium on 2015-11-xx
- SIDCimport-1821
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