(94) Time delays in quasi-periodic pulsations observed during the X2.2 solar flare on 2011 February 15
- Dolla, L. et al
- Talk presented at STCE Workshop “Science Space Weather Opportunities for PROBA2” on 2012-xx-xx
- SIDCimport-1220
(92) Imaging the solar corona in the EUV
- Delaboudiniere, J.-P. et al
- published in Advances in Space Research, 20, pp. 2231--2237 (1997)
- SIDCimport-100
(91) Time delays in quasi-periodic pulsations observed during the X2.2 solar flare on 2011 February 15
- Dolla, L. et al
- Seminar presented at Centrum voor Plasma-Astrofysica, Department of Mathematics, KULeuven on 2012-xx-xx
- SIDCimport-1222
(91) Short-term variations of the 11-year sunspot cycle as a predictor of the next cycle strength
- Podladchikova, T. et al
- Talk presented at 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 2-10 August 2014, in Moscow, Russia, Abstract PSW.2-16-14 on 2014-xx-xx
- SIDCimport-1446
(91) Degradation assessment of LYRA after 5 years on orbit - Technology Demonstration -
- BenMoussa, A. et al
- published in Experimental Astronomy, 39, pp. 29-43 (2015)
- SIDCimport-620
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