(131) Statistical analysis of geomagnetic storms, coronal mass ejections and solar energetic particle events in the framework of the COMESEP project
- Malandraki, O. et al
- published in EGU General Assembly, EGU2013-10389 (2013)
- SIDCimport-598
(130) eHEROES: where space weather and communication meet
- Vanlommel, P. et al
- Poster presented at EGU General Assembly on 2014-05-xx
- SIDCimport-1565
(130) Fine thermal structure of coronal active regions from Hinode/XRT
- Reale, F. et al
- published in Science, 318, pp. 1582 (2007)
- SIDCimport-291
(130) The COMESEP Space Weather Alert System
- Rodriguez, L. et al
- Talk presented at 10th European Space Weather Week (ESWW10) meeting, Antwerp, Belgium on 2013-11-xx
- SIDCimport-815
(130) Clarifying Some Issues on the Geoeffectiveness of Limb Halo CMEs
- Cid, C. et al
- published in Nature of Prominences and their role in Space Weather, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union , 8 (2014)
- SIDCimport-1068
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