(172) Observing the Unobservable: Identification and Characterization of Stealth Coronal Mass Ejections
- D'Huys, E.
- SIDCimport-1760
(168) Kepler Asteroseismology Program: Introduction and First Results
- Gilliland, R. L. et al
- published in Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 122, pp. 131-143 (2010)
- ASTROimport-458
(168) The LYRA instrument onboard PROBA2: description and in-flight performance
- Dominique, M. et al
- published in Solar Physics, 286, pp. 21-42 (2013)
- SIDCimport-550
(167) SIGMA (Solar Investigation using a Global coronal Magnetograph): A new space mission to measure the magnetic field in the solar corona
- Consortium, SIGMA et al
- Poster presented at 5th Solar Orbiter Workshop, Brugge on 2012-xx-xx
- SIDCimport-946
(167) Ephemerides Astronomiques pour 1998
- Cugnon, P. et al
- published in Ciel Terre, 112 (1997)
- SIDCimport-1
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