(178) Picard SODISM, a Space Telescope to Study the Sun from the Middle Ultraviolet to the Near Infrared
- Meftah, M. et al
- published in Solar Physics, 289, pp. 1043 (2014)
- SIDCimport-612
(174) Macroseismic intensity assessment of the 2008-2010 Walloon Brabant seismic swarm by a grid cell procedure
- Consentino, Bruno Cirilo
- THESIS-2016-0003
(174) The SWAP EUV Imaging Telescope Part I: Instrument Overview and Pre-Flight Testing
- Seaton, D.B. et al
- published in Solar Physics, 286, pp. 43--65 (2013)
- SIDCimport-520
(174) De Belgische aardbeving van 11 juni 1938
- Somville, Oscar
- SISMOimport-247
(174) 3-D digital outcrop model for analysis of brittle deformation and lithological mapping (Lorette cave, Belgium)
- Triantafyllou, A. et al
- published in Journal of Structural Geology, 120, pp. 55-66 (2019)
- SCART-2019-0137
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