Seismic activity in Northern Belgium, and surrounding areas
- De Putter, Thierryet al
- published in In: Wouters, L. (ed.), Long-term Geological Evolution of NE-Belgium: a Geoprospective Study regarding Seismicity, Celestial Bodies, Climate and Volcanism, ONDRAF/NIRAS Technical Report, NIROND TR-2006-02, pp. 15-40 (2006)
- SISMOimport-215
(153) Current Sheet and Reconnection Inflow-Outflow Observations During Solar Eruptions
- Savage, al
- published in The Fifth Hinode Science Meeting. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 456, Proceedings of a conference held 10-14 October 2011 at Royal Sonesta Hotel, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Edited by Leon Golub, Ineke De Moortel and Toshifumi Shimizu. San Francisco: Astronomi (2012)
- SIDCimport-1452