| Science Article (Ref.) A Wind-based Unification Model for NGC 5548: Spectral Holidays, Nondisk Emission, and Implications for Changing-look Quasars
/ Dehghanian, M. ; Ferland, G. J. ; Peterson, B. M. ; Kriss, G. A. ; et al
published in The Astrophysical Journal, 882 issue 2, pp. L30 (6 pages) (2019)
| Science Article (Ref.) H-, He-like recombination spectra - III. n-changing collisions in highly excited Rydberg states and their impact on the radio, IR, and optical recombination lines
/ Guzmán, F. ; Chatzikos, M. ; van Hoof, P. A. M. ; Balser, Dana S. ; et al
published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 486 issue 1, pp. 1003-1018 (2019)
| The impact of inaccurate collisional excitation rates on radio recombination line observations
/ Guzman Fulgencio, Francisco ; Chatzikos, Marios ; Balser, Dana ; van Hoof, Peter A. M. ; et al
published in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 233, pp. 412.08 (2019)
| Science Article Uncorrelated behavior of narrow absorption lines in NGC 5548
/ Dehghanian, Maryam ; Ferland, Gary ; Kriss, Gerard ; Peterson, Bradley ; et al
published in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 233, pp. 243.11 (2019)
| Conf. Talk (Inv.) Observations of born-again stars
/ van Hoof, P. A. M. ; Kimeswenger, S. ; et al
Invited talk presented at Hydrogen Deficient Stars 2018, Armagh, UK on 2018-09-13
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| Dataset Cloudy release c17.01
/ Ferland, G. J. ; Chatzikos, M. ; et al
| Science Article (Ref.) The 2017 Release Cloudy
/ Ferland, G. J. ; Chatzikos, M. ; Guzmán, F. ; Lykins, M. L. ; et al
published in Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica, 53, pp. 385-438 (2017)
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| Science Article (Ref.) Recent Development of the Atomic Line List
/ van Hoof, Peter A. M.
published in Galaxies, 6 issue 2, pp. 63
| Science Article (Ref.) The Belgian Repository of Fundamental Atomic Data and Stellar Spectra (BRASS) Identifying Fruitful Methods for Producing Atomic Data
/ Laverick, Mike ; Lobel, Alex ; Royer, Pierre ; Martayan, Christophe ; et al
published in Galaxies, 6 issue 3, pp. 78
| Science Article (Ref.) Herschel Planetary Nebula Survey (HerPlaNS). hydrogen recombination laser lines in Mz 3
/ Aleman, Isabel ; Exter, Katrina ; Ueta, Toshiya ; Walton, Samuel ; et al
published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 477 issue 4, pp. 4499-4510 (2018)