| Estimation of the marsquakes' location and the interior structure of Mars using InSight data
/ Drilleau, Melanie ; Garcia, Raphaël ; et al
Talk presented at 23rd EGU General Assembly, online on 2021-04-30
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| Science Article (Ref.) Thickness and structure of the martian crust from InSight seismic data
/ Knapmeyer-Endrun, Brigitte ; Panning, Mark P. ; Bissig, Felix ; Joshi, Rakshit ; et al
published in Science, 373 issue 6553 (2021)
Files: Knapmeyer-Endrun2021vo00 - PDF; Knapmeyer-Endrun2021vo22 - PDF; |
| Conf. Poster Seismic Velocities Distribution in a 3D Mantle: Implications for InSight Measurements
/ Plesa, Ana-Catalina ; Bozdag, Ebru ; et al
Poster presented at AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual on 2020-12-15
| Science Article (Ref.) Lunar Seismology: A Data and Instrumentation Review
/ Nunn, Ceri ; Garcia, Raphael F. ; Nakamura, Yosio ; Marusiak, Angela G. ; et al
published in Space Science Reviews, 216 issue 5 (2020)
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| Simulations of Seismic Wave Propagation on Mars
/ Bozdağ, Ebru ; Ruan, Youyi ; Metthez, Nathan ; Khan, Amir ; et al
published in Space Science Reviews, 211 (2017)
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| Conf. Talk Non-hydrostatic effects on Mars’ nutation
/ Rivoldini, Attilio ; Beuthe, Mikael ; et al
Talk presented at EPSC-DPS2019 Geneva on 2019-09-17
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| Science Article (Ref.) Lunar Seismology: An Update on Interior Structure Models
/ Garcia, Raphael F. ; Khan, Amir ; Drilleau, Mélanie ; Margerin, Ludovic ; et al
published in Space Science Reviews, 215 issue 8 (2019)
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| Science Article (Ref.) Hydrostatic Interfaces in Bodies With Nonhydrostatic Lithospheres
/ Wieczorek, Mark ; Beuthe, Mikael ; Rivoldini, Attilio ; Van Hoolst, Tim
published in Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 124, pp. 1410-1432 (2019)
| Conf. Poster Non-hydrostatic effects on Mars’ nutation
/ Rivoldini, Attilio ; Beuthe, Mikael ; et al
Poster presented at EGU General Assembly, EGU2019, 7-19 April, 2019 in Vienna, Austria on 2019-04-12
| Conf. Poster An international team to create reference models and data sets for Moon seismology
/ Garcia, Raphael ; Zhu, Peimin ; et al
Poster presented at EGU, Vienna on 2018-04-09