Space Pole Publications Server 8 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Press Rel. 
Hera Launch: Learning to Deflect an Asteroid / Ritter, B. ; Pham, L.B.S. ; et al
Conf. Poster 
Post-impact gravity anomalies on asteroid Dimorphos following the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART). / Senel, C.B. ; Karatekin, O. ; et al
Poster presented at 56th AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, Boise, Idaho on 2023-10-06 [POSTER-2024-0058]
Science Article 
Application of the Wedge-Pentahedra Method (WPM) to the Apollo 17 Landing Site and Comparison to the Traverse Gravimeter Experiment Measurements. / Noeker, Matthias ; Tasev, Elisa ; Ritter, Birgit ; Karatekin, Özgür
published in Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2022), 53rd, pp. 1-2 (2022) [SCART-2023-0081]
Artificial terrain on Phobos: Assessing the influence on local gravity using the Wedge-Pentahedra Method / Noeker, Matthias ; Karatekin, Özgür ; Ritter, Birgit ; Tasev, Elisa
published in EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 15 issue EPSC-2021-370 (2021) [SCART-2022-0026]
Conf. Poster 
Artificial terrain on Phobos: Assessing the influence on local gravity using the Wedge-Pentahedra Method / Noeker, Matthias ; Karatekin, Özgür ; et al
Poster presented at EPSC 2021, online on 2021-09-16 [POSTER-2022-0006]
Conf. Talk 
GRASS: GRAvimeter for Small Solar System bodies Gravimeter onboard Juventas CubeSat for Hera mission / Noeker, Matthias ; Tasev, Elisa ; et al
Talk presented at AIDA International workshop, Rome on 2019-09-11 [CTALK-2022-0020]
Surface Gravimetry on Dimorphos with GRASS on Juventas / Ritter, Birgit ; Karatekin, Özgür ; et al
Talk presented at 7th IAA Planetary Defense Conference – PDC 2021, virtual meeting on 2021-04-30 [CTALK-2022-0004]
GRASS: a Gravimeter for the Investigation of Small Solar System Bodies / Ritter, Birgit ; Karatekin, Özgür ; et al
Poster presented at European Planetary Science Congress 2019, Geneve on 2019-09-19 [POSTER-2019-0110]

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6 Tasev, Elisa
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