| Seismic Detection of the Martian Core by InSight
/ Stähler, S. C. ; Ceylan, S. ; et al
Talk presented at 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference on 2021-03-18
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| Seismic Constraints on the Thickness and Structure of the Martian Crust from InSight
/ Panning, M. P. ; Knapmeyer-Ednrun, B. ; et al
Talk presented at 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference on 2021-03-17
Files: PDF; |
| Estimation of the marsquakes' location and the interior structure of Mars using InSight data
/ Drilleau, Melanie ; Garcia, Raphaël ; et al
Talk presented at 23rd EGU General Assembly, online on 2021-04-30
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| Science Article (Ref.) Seismic detection of the martian core
/ Stähler, Simon C. ; Khan, Amir ; Banerdt, W. Bruce ; Lognonné, Philippe ; et al
published in Science, 373 issue 6553 (2021)
Files: Khan2021wq22 - PDF; Khan2021wq00 - PDF; |
| Science Article (Ref.) Thickness and structure of the martian crust from InSight seismic data
/ Knapmeyer-Endrun, Brigitte ; Panning, Mark P. ; Bissig, Felix ; Joshi, Rakshit ; et al
published in Science, 373 issue 6553 (2021)
Files: Knapmeyer-Endrun2021vo00 - PDF; Knapmeyer-Endrun2021vo22 - PDF; |
| Science Article (Ref.) Seismic Velocity Variations in a 3D Martian Mantle: Implications for the InSight Measurements
/ Plesa, A. -C. ; Bozdağ, E. ; Rivoldini, A. ; Knapmeyer, M. ; et al
published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126 issue 6 (2021)
Files: Plesa2021te72 - PDF; Plesa2021te00 - PDF; |
| Science Article (Ref.) The seismicity of Mars
/ Giardini, D. ; Lognonné, P. ; Banerdt, W. B. ; Pike, W. T. ; et al
published in Nature Geoscience, 13 issue 3 (2020)
Files: Giardini2020aa01 - PDF; Giardini2020aa00 - PDF; |
| Science Article (Ref.) MSS1: Single-Station and Single-Event Marsquake Inversion
/ Drilleau, Mélanie ; Beucler, Éric ; Lognonné, Philippe ; Panning, Mark P. ; et al
published in Earth and Space Science, 7 issue 12 (2020)
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| Vibrations and rotations of asteroids: planetary flyby as an opportunity for internal structure imaging with 6 degrees of freedom instruments.
/ Garcia, R.F. ; Murdoch, N. ; et al
Talk presented at 2020 Workshop Apophis T-9 years, Nice, France on 2020-04-23
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| Science Article (Ref.) Initial results from the InSight mission on Mars.
/ Banerdt, W.B. ; Smrekar, S. ; Banfield, D. ; Giardini, D. ; et al
published in Nature Geoscience, 13, pp. 183-189 (2020)
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