| Conf. Talk 6 degrees of freedom (6DoF) sensors, the next generation of instruments for planetary exploration.
/ Bernauer, F. ; Garcia, R.F. ; et al
Talk presented at DLR Explorer Initiatives Workshop, `Synergy Workshop´, Berlin, Germany on 2022-11-16
| Development of a compact Payload Mechanism enabling continuous motorized Sensor Head rotation and Signal Transfer
/ Noeker, Matthias ; Van Ransbeeck, Emiel ; et al
Talk presented at 19th European Space Mechanism and Tribology Symposium (ESMATS), online on 2022-09-20
| Accessing the Lunar Underground: The LAva-TUbe iNvestigAtion (LA-TUNA) Mission Concept.
/ Noeker, Matthias ; Karatekin, Özgür ; Ritter, Birgit
published in 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021 (2021)
| Artificial terrain on Phobos: Assessing the influence on local gravity using the Wedge-Pentahedra Method
/ Noeker, Matthias ; Karatekin, Özgür ; Ritter, Birgit ; Tasev, Elisa
published in EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 15 issue EPSC-2021-370 (2021)
| Accessing the Lunar Underground: The LAva-TUbe iNvestigAtion (LA-TUNA) Mission Concept.
/ Noeker, Matthias ; Karatekin, Özgür ; et al
Poster presented at LPSC 2021 on 2021-03-19
| Science Article Development of a compact Payload Mechanism enabling continuous motorized Sensor Head rotation and Signal Transfer
/ Noeker, Matthias ; Van Ransbeeck, Emiel ; Karatekin, Özgür ; Ritter, Birgit
published in ESMATS (2021)
| Conf. Poster Artificial terrain on Phobos: Assessing the influence on local gravity using the Wedge-Pentahedra Method
/ Noeker, Matthias ; Karatekin, Özgür ; et al
Poster presented at EPSC 2021, online on 2021-09-16
| Surface Gravimetry on Dimorphos with GRASS on Juventas
/ Ritter, Birgit ; Karatekin, Özgür ; et al
Talk presented at 7th IAA Planetary Defense Conference – PDC 2021, virtual meeting on 2021-04-30
| Science Article (Ref.) Discrete Aurora on Mars: Spectral Properties, Vertical Profiles, and Electron Energies
/ Soret, Lauriane ; Gérard, Jean-Claude ; Schneider, Nicholas ; Jain, Sonal ; et al
published in JGR Space Physics (2021)
| Conf. Talk Characteristics of the Martian Discrete Auroral Emissions Observed with MAVEN-IUVS
/ Soret, Lauriane ; Gérard, Jean-Claude ; et al
Talk presented at European Planetary Science Congress 2020 on 2020-10-02