| Seismic Constraints on the Thickness and Structure of the Martian Crust from InSight
/ Panning, M. P. ; Knapmeyer-Ednrun, B. ; et al
Talk presented at 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference on 2021-03-17
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| Science Article (Ref.) Thickness and structure of the martian crust from InSight seismic data
/ Knapmeyer-Endrun, Brigitte ; Panning, Mark P. ; Bissig, Felix ; Joshi, Rakshit ; et al
published in Science, 373 issue 6553 (2021)
Files: Knapmeyer-Endrun2021vo00 - PDF; Knapmeyer-Endrun2021vo22 - PDF; |
| Science Article (Ref.) Initial results from the InSight mission on Mars.
/ Banerdt, W.B. ; Smrekar, S. ; Banfield, D. ; Giardini, D. ; et al
published in Nature Geoscience, 13, pp. 183-189 (2020)
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