Space Pole Publications Server 56 records found  beginprevious47 - 56  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Science Article (Ref.) 
Mass ratio from Doppler beaming and Rømer delay versus ellipsoidal modulation in the Kepler data of KOI-74 / Bloemen, S. ; Marsh, T. R. ; Degroote, P. ; Østensen, R. H. ; et al
published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 422, pp. 2600-2608 (2012) 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2012.20818.x [ASTROimport-376]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Time-resolved spectroscopy of BD+46°442: Gas streams and jet creation in a newly discovered evolved binary with a disk / Gorlova, N. ; Van Winckel, H. ; Gielen, C. ; Raskin, G. ; et al
published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 542, pp. A27 (2012) 10.1051/0004-6361/201118727 [ASTROimport-375]
Science Article (Ref.) 
A far-infrared survey of bow shocks and detached shells around AGB stars and red supergiants (Corrigendum) / Cox, N. L. J. ; Kerschbaum, F. ; van Marle, A. J. ; Decin, L. ; et al
published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 543, pp. C1 (2012) 10.1051/0004-6361/201117910e [ASTROimport-371]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Large-scale environments of binary AGB stars probed by Herschel. I. Morphology statistics and case studies of R Aquarii and W Aquilae / Mayer, A. ; Jorissen, A. ; Kerschbaum, F. ; Ottensamer, R. ; et al
published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 549, pp. A69 (2013) 10.1051/0004-6361/201219259 [ASTROimport-350]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Modelling the asymmetric wind of the luminous blue variable binary MWC 314 / Lobel, A. ; Groh, J. H. ; Martayan, C. ; Frémat, Y. ; et al
published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 559, pp. A16 (2013) 10.1051/0004-6361/201220421 [ASTROimport-329]
Science Article (Ref.) 
A search for pulsations in the HgMn star HD 45975 with CoRoT photometry and ground-based spectroscopy / Morel, T. ; Briquet, M. ; Auvergne, M. ; Alecian, G. ; et al
published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 561, pp. A35 (2014) 10.1051/0004-6361/201322289 [ASTROimport-322]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Large-scale environments of binary AGB stars probed by Herschel. II. Two companions interacting with the wind of p1 Gruis / Mayer, A. ; Jorissen, A. ; Paladini, C. ; Kerschbaum, F. ; et al
published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 570, pp. A113 (2014) 10.1051/0004-6361/201424465 [ASTROimport-293]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Long-term photometry of variables at ESO. I - The first data catalogue (1982-1986) / Manfroid, J. ; Sterken, C. ; Bruch, A. ; Burger, M. ; et al
published in Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 87, pp. 481-498 (1991) [ASTROimport-63]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Longterm Photometry of Variables at ESO - Part Two - the Second Data Catalogue 1986-1990 / Sterken, C. ; Manfroid, J. ; Anton, K. ; Barzewski, A. ; et al
published in Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 102, pp. 79 (1993) [ASTROimport-47]
Science Article (Ref.) 
A pulsating star inside η Carinae. I. Light variations, 1992-1994. / van Genderen, A. M. ; Sterken, C. ; de Groot, M. ; Stahl, O. ; et al
published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 304, pp. 415 (1995) [ASTROimport-36]

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1 Jorissen, A
33 Jorissen, A.
3 Jorissen, Alain
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