| Science Article (Ref.) Magnetic Imaging of the Outer Solar Atmosphere (MImOSA): Unlocking the driver of the dynamics in the upper solar atmosphere
/ Peter, H. ; Alsina Ballester, E. ; Andretta, V. ; Auchere, F. ; et al
published in Experimental Astronomy (2020)
| Conf. Talk Magnetic twist profile inside magnetic clouds derived with a superposed epoch analysis
/ Lanabere, V. ; Dasso, S. ; et al
Talk presented at Towards Future Research on Space Weather Drivers, San Juan, Argentina on 2019-07-02
| Conf. Poster Finding the distribution of the twist profile in Magnetic Clouds using a superposed epoch analysis
/ Lanabere, V. ; Dasso, S. ; et al
Poster presented at Chapman Conference on Scientific Challenges Pertaining to Space Weather Forecasting Including Extremes, Pasadena, USA on 2019-02-11
| Science Article (Ref.) Magnetic twist profile inside magnetic clouds derived with a superposed epoch analysis
/ Lanabere, V. ; Dasso, S. ; Démoulin, P. ; Janvier, M. ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 635, pp. A85 (2020)
| Conf. Talk (Inv.) Manifestation of Coronal Mass Ejections near Earth: A review
/ Dasso, S. ; Masias-Meza, J. ; et al
Invited talk presented at 42nd COSPAR assembly, California, USA on 2018-06-16
| Conf. Talk Typical Profiles and Distributions of Plasma and Magnetic Field Parameters in Magnetic Clouds at 1 AU
/ Rodriguez, L. ; Masias-Meza, J. ; et al
Talk presented at 15th International Solar Wind Conference, Brussels, Belgium on 2018-06-21
| Conf. Poster Magnetic clouds and their driven shocks/sheaths near Earth: geoeffective properties studied with a superposed epoch technique
/ Dasso, Sergio ; Masías-Meza, Jimmy J. ; et al
Poster presented at 14th European Space Weather week, Ostende, Belgium (2017) on 2017-11-27
| Conf. Poster Superposed Epoch Study of Magnetic Clouds and their Driven Shocks/Sheaths Near Earth
/ Dasso, S. ; Masías-Meza, J.-J. ; et al
Poster presented at Space Weather of the Heliosphere: Processes and Forecasts, Exeter, UK on 2017-07-17
| Conf. Poster Superposed Epoch Study of Magnetic Clouds And Their Driven Shocks/Sheaths Near Earth
/ Dasso, S. ; Masias-Meza, J.-J. ; et al
Poster presented at Space Weather of the Heliosphere: Processes and Forecasts, Exeter, UK on 2017-07-17
| Conf. Poster Superposed epoch analysis of ICMEs: substructures, interaction with their ambient, and effects on Galactic Cosmic Rays
/ Masías-Meza, J.J. ; Dasso, S. ; et al
Poster presented at COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2016, Istanbul, Turkey (CANCELLED) on 2016-07-30