Space Pole Publications Server 81 records found  beginprevious71 - 80next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Science Article 
The Extreme UV Imager telescope on-board the Solar Orbiter mission – Overview of phase C and D / Halain, J.P. ; Rochus, P. ; Renotte, E. ; Hermans, A. ; et al
published in Proceedings SPIE 9604, Solar Physics and Space Weather Instrumentation VI, 96040G (2015) [SIDCimport-1732]
Science Article 
The Ultraviolet Imaging Telescopes Of Solar Orbiter, / Hochedez, J.-F. ; Appourchaux, T. ; Defise, J.-M. ; Harra, L. K. ; et al
published in The SecondSolar Orbiter Workshop, 16-20 October 2006, Athens, Greece (edited by E. Marsch, K. Tsinganos, R. Marsden, and L. Conroy), ESA SP-641, ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk, 2007. (2007) [SIDCimport-1391]
Science Article 
The extreme UV imager of Solar Orbiter: from detailed design to flight model / Halain, J.P. ; Rochus, P. ; Renotte, E. ; Auchere, F. ; et al
published in Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray. Proceedings of the, 9144 (2014) [SIDCimport-1056]
Conf. Poster 
SIGMA (Solar Investigation using a Global coronal Magnetograph): A new space mission to measure the magnetic field in the solar corona / Consortium, SIGMA ; Zhukov, A.N. ; et al
Poster presented at 5th Solar Orbiter Workshop, Brugge on 2012-xx-xx [SIDCimport-946]
Science Article 
The EUI instrument on board the Solar Orbiter mission: from breadboard and prototypes to instrument model validation / Halain, J.P. ; Rochus, P. ; Renotte, E. ; Appourchaux, T. ; et al
published in SPIE Astronomical telescopes and Instrumentation, Solar missions and technologies, 8443, pp. id. 844307-8443 (2012) 10.1117/12.924343 [SIDCimport-895]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Signatures of Slow Solar Wind Streams from Active Regions in the Inner Corona / Slemzin, V.A. ; Harra, L. K. ; Urnov, Alexander ; Kuzin, S.V. ; et al
published in Solar Physics, 286, pp. 157-184 (2013) [SIDCimport-589]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Signatures of Slow Solar Wind Streams from Active Regions in the Inner Corona / Slemzin, V.A. ; Harra, L. K. ; Urnov, Alexander ; Kuzin, S.V. ; et al
published in Solar Physics, 286, pp. 157--184 (2013) 10.1007/s11207-012-0004-y [SIDCimport-527]
Science Article (Ref.) 
LEMUR: Large European Module for solar Ultraviolet Research / Teriaca, L. ; Andretta, V. ; Auchere, F. ; Brown, C.M. ; et al
published in Experimental Astronomy (2012) [SIDCimport-474]
Science Article 
The technical challenges of the Solar-Orbiter EUI instrument / Halain, J.P. ; Auchere, F. ; Rochus, P. ; Jacques, L. ; et al
published in Proc. SPIE , 7732, pp. 77320R (2010) [SIDCimport-430]
Science Article (Ref.) 
The Recovery of CME-Related Dimmings and the ICME's Enduring Magnetic Connection to the Sun / Attrill, G.D.R. ; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L. ; Demoulin, P. ; Zhukov, A.N. ; et al
published in Solar Physics, 252, pp. 349--372 (2008) [SIDCimport-341]

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43 Harra, L.
15 Harra, L. K.
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5 Harra, Louise K.
5 Harra, Louise K.
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