Space Pole Publications Server 19 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Construction of the GNSS component of the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) / Bruyninx, C. ; Legrand, J. ; et al
Invited talk presented at EUREF AC Workshop, Warsaw, Poland on 2019-10-17 [CTALK-2020-0064]
Conf. Poster 
GLASS, a tool for quality-controlled GNSS data and product dissemination / Menut, J.-L. ; Crocker, P. ; et al
Poster presented at EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria on 2019-04-07 [POSTER-2020-0034]
Conf. Talk 
EUREF Densified Permanent GNSS network for Geodesy and Geophysics / Lidberg, M. ; Altamimi, Z. ; et al
Talk presented at 27th IUGG General Assembly, Montreal, Canada on 2019-07-08 [CTALK-2020-0061]
Conf. Poster 
Present and future of European reference frames – (more than) 30 years of EUREF / Poutanen, M. ; Altamimi, Z. ; et al
Poster presented at Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF), Tallin, Estonia on 2019-05-20 [POSTER-2020-0033]
Conf. Poster 
Present and future of European reference frames / Poutanen, M. ; Altamimi, Z. ; et al
Poster presented at EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria on 2019-04-07 [POSTER-2020-0032]
Conf. Talk 
COST Action ES1206: GNSS4SWEC - Advanced GNSS Tropospheric Products for Severe Weather Events and Climate / Jones, J. ; Guerova, G. ; et al
Talk presented at European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria on 2018-04-12 [CTALK-2019-0048]
Conf. Talk 
IAG WG 4.3.7: Real-time GNSS tropospheric products / Dousa, J. ; Pottiaux, E.
Talk presented at IAG Sub-Commission 4.3 Splinter Meeting at EGU 2018, Vienna, Austria on 2018-04-11 [CTALK-2019-0046]
GLASS, a Tool for Quality-Controlled GNSS Data and Products Dissemination / Crocker, P. ; Dousa, J. ; et al
Poster presented at AGU Fall meeting 2018, Wasington DC, US on 2018-12-12 [POSTER-2019-0022]
Conf. Poster 
New Way of GNSS Data Dissemination within the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) / Douša, J. ; Crocker, P. ; et al
Poster presented at CzechGeo /EPOS Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic on 2018-12-05 [POSTER-2019-0021]
The contribution of EPOS to Disseminate GNSS Data & Products in Europe / Fernandes, R. ; Bos, M. ; et al
Talk presented at EPOS-PL Workshop, Jachranka, Poland on 2018-11-19 [CTALK-2019-0043]

Space Pole Publications Server : 19 records found   1 - 10next  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
14 Dousa, J.
14 Dousa, J.
14 Douša, J.
14 Douša, J.
5 Douša, Jan
5 Douša, Jan
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