| Science Article (Ref.) Searching for large dark matter clumps using the Galileo Constellation clock variations
/ Bertrand, Bruno ; Defraigne, Pascale ; Hees, Aurélien ; Sheremet, Alexandra ; et al
published in Advances in Space Research, 74 issue 6, pp. 2551-2563 (2014)
| Conf. Talk GENESIS-1 mission for improved reference frames and Earth science applications
/ Karatekin, Ozgur ; Dehant, Veronique ; et al
Talk presented at EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (2022), Vienna on 2022-05-23
| Science Article (Ref.) GAlileo Survey of Transient Objects Network (GASTON) Project: Searching Dark Matter using the Galileo Satellites
/ Bertrand, Bruno ; Defraigne, Pascale ; Sheremet, Alexandra ; Hees, Aurélien ; et al
published in proceedings of the 2021 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFCS) (2021)