| Conf. Poster Constraints on the interior structure of Mars from nutations
/ Rivoldini, Attilio ; Deproost, Marie-Hélène ; et al
Poster presented at EPSC, Riga, Latvia on 2017-09-17
| Science Article (Ref.) The Rotation and Interior Structure Experiment on the InSight Mission to Mars
/ Folkner, William M. ; Dehant, Véronique ; Le Maistre, Sébastien ; Yseboodt, Marie ; et al
published in Space Science Reviews, 214 issue 5 (2018)
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| Science Article Research Activities in Astronomy and Astrophysics in Belgium
/ Fremat, Y ; Van Eck, S ; Aerts, C ; Baes, M ; et al
published in Belgian Physical Society Magazine, 1-2018, pp. 5-19 (2018)
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| Science Article (Ref.) Basic Earth's Parameters as estimated from VLBI observations.
/ Zhu, Ping ; Rivoldini, Antony ; Koot, Laurence ; Dehant, Veronique
published in Geodesy and Geodynamics, 8, pp. 427-432 (2017)
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| Science Article (Ref.) Study of the nutation of the Earth.
/ Dehant, Veronique ; Laguerre, Raphael ; Rekier, Jeremy ; Rivoldini, Attilio ; et al
published in Geodesy and Geodynamics, 8, pp. 389-395 (2017)
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| Science Article ESPACE, European Satellite PArtnership for Computing Ephemerides
/ Thuillot, W. ; Lainey, V. ; Dehant, V. ; Arlot, J. E. ; et al
published in EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, pp. 1833 (2011)
| Science Article A New Consortium: the European Satellite Partnership for Computing Ephemerides (ESPaCE)
/ Thuillot, W. ; Lainey, V. ; Dehant, V. ; De Cuyper, J.-P. ; et al
published in Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXI, 461, pp. 659 (2012)
| Science Article The FP7-ESPaCE project for ephemerides of natural satellites and spacecraft
/ Thuillot, W. ; Lainey, V. ; Arlot, J.-E. ; Déhant, V. ; et al
published in European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8-13 September in London, UK. Online at: http://meetings.copernicus.org/epsc2013, id.EPSC2013-513, 8, pp. EPSC2013-513 (2013)
| Science Article Recent activities of the FP7-ESPaCE consortium
/ Thuillot, W. ; Lainey, V. ; Dehant, V. ; Arlot, J.-E. ; et al
published in Journées 2013 "Systèmes de référence spatio-temporels", pp. 277-279 (2014)
| Science Article (Ref.) Astrometric observations of Phobos and Deimos during the 1971 opposition of Mars
/ Robert, V. ; Lainey, V. ; Pascu, D. ; Arlot, J.-E. ; et al
published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 572, pp. A104 (2014)