| Science Article The coupling between the polar motion and the spin precession of Titan.
/ Baland, R.M. ; Coyette, A. ; Van Hoolst, T.
published in European Planetary Science Congress - EPSC Abstracts, 12, pp. EPSC2018-691 (2018)
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| Science Article (Ref.) Variations in rotation rate and polar motion of a non-hydrostatic Titan
/ Coyette, A. ; Baland, R.-M. ; Van Hoolst, T.
published in Icarus, 307, pp. 83 - 105 (2018)
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| Science Article (Ref.) Coupling between the spin precession and polar motion of a synchronously rotating satellite. Application to Titan
/ Baland, R.-M. ; Coyette, A. ; Van Hoolst, T.
published in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, Vol 131, pp. eid 11