Space Pole Publications Server 3 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Conf. Poster 
Preliminary results from Solar Orbiter "Eruption Watch" campaigns / Sasso, Clementina ; Landini, Federico ; et al
Poster presented at 32nd General Assembly International Union (IAUGA 2024), Capetown, South Africa on 2024-08-01 [POSTER-2025-0001]
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Science Article (Ref.) 
Signatures of dynamic fibrils at the coronal base: Observations from Solar Orbiter/EUI / Mandal, Sudip ; Peter, Hardi ; Chitta, Lakshmi Pradeep ; Cuadrado, Regina A. ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 670, pp. L3 (2023) [SCART-2022-0129]
Conf. Poster 
Intriguing coronal upflows at the edge of a sunspot - what causes it and can it become part of the solar wind? / Harra, Louise ; Barczynski, Krzysztof ; et al
Poster presented at 8th Solar Orbiter Workhop, Belfast (UK) on 2022-09-12 [POSTER-2022-0041]

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