| INSPIRE Dataset: GNSS Stations of the Royal Observatory of Belgium
/ Legrand, J. ; Bruyninx, C. ; et al
| Dataset Availability and latency of GNSS tracking data at the EPN Data Centers (update for 2019)
/ Legrand, J. ; Bruyninx, C. ; et al
| Dataset Multi-GNSS data quality checks (update for 2019)
/ Legrand, J. ; Bruyninx, C.
| Annuaire de l'Observatoire royal de Belgique -- Jaarboek van de Koninklijke Sterrenwacht van Belgiƫ 2020
/ Pauwels, Thierry ; Bruyninx, Carine ; et al
| Conf. Talk Geospace environment monitoring at the Princess Elisabeth Antarctic (PEA) station: instrumentation and first results
/ Bergeot, Nicolas ; Chevalier, Jean-Marie ; et al
Talk presented at URS2017 GASS, Montreal, Canada on 2017-08-24
| Conf. Talk Near-real time detection of solar radio burst impacting the GNSS signal reception
/ Chevalier, Jean-Marie ; Bergeot, Nicolas ; et al
Talk presented at ESWW13, Ostende, Belgium on 2016-11-15
| Conf. Talk Warning System for GNSS Signal Degradation Caused by Solar Radio Bursts
/ Chevalier, Jean-Marie. ; Bergeot, Nicolas ; et al
Talk presented at URSI 2017 GASS, Montreal, Canada on 2017-08-22
Files: PDF; |
| Dataset Availability and latency of GNSS tracking data at the EPN Data Centers
/ Legrand, J. ; Bruyninx, C. ; et al
| Book Annuaire de l'Observatoire royal de Belgique -- Jaarboek van de Koninklijke Sterrenwacht van Belgiƫ 2019
/ Pauwels, Thierry ; Bruyninx, Carine ; et al
| Dataset Multi-GNSS data quality checks
/ Legrand, J. ; Bruyninx, C.